Current Rank List
(ITI:F)Founder-A person with this rank is a group founder who has helped start the group and get it off its feet and has made high contributions of time and effort not only to the website but to the servers as well.
(ITI:SF)Sub Founder-A person with this rank is a person assistant of a founder and has nearly all the same powers and is not restricted except at all other than their ranks below Founders.
(ITI:M)Manager-A person with this rank manages clan alliances and merges aswell as keeps satisfaction inside the group to ensure stability.
(ITI:E)Executive-A person with this rank makes decisions in the meeting room with the Manager's and Founder's and submits ideas to further better the clan and push it in the right direction.
(ITI:D)Developer-A person with this rank is someone who oversees the projects of the coder team aswell as rates them and judges them to make sure the scripts are correct and usable,then sends the higher ranked ones to be discussed by the Higher Staff.
(ITI:C)Coder-A person with this rank is a person who codes server scripts and special events that would go into the server such as a custom and realistic weapons mod.
(ITI:CM)Community Manager-A person with this rank has the sole purpose of making sure that the clan gets a steady flow of members and server regulars aswell as keeping arguements to a minimum.
(ITI:CD)Complaint Department-A person with this rank takes concerns and complaints and helps a person with their problem and does what they can to fix it if they cant they will forward it to someone who can fix it.
(ITI:SE)Secretary-A person with this rank is appointed this rank if they have been a staff member for a long time and has been an active and loyal member to Intellectuals Inc.
(ITI:S)Staff-A person with this rank has passed their application and is an official member of Intellectuals Inc. they have no power in the group but they do have power over unregistered users and server guests.
To get any of these ranks other than Staff,Complaint Department,and Coder you have to be voted in or have to be very deserving of the rank.